Free Consultation

Dr. Michael Ridgeway, DC

Dr. Michael Ridgeway

Santa Rosa Chiropractors

By performing precise, detailed chiropractic adjustments, a licensed Chiropractor like Dr. Michael Ridgeway from Neck Pain, Back Pain, Headache Relief Center can help treat your injury through various chiropractic treatment methods to give your body a much better chance of recovering properly. This means less chronic pain, decreased stiffness, reduced disc degeneration, and fewer pinched nerves. We can assist in the alleviation of your pain and help you rebuild your spinal structures. These treatment options also dramatically reduce future injuries from occurring. If you are feeling pain or discomfort, schedule a consultation with a trusted Santa Rosa Auto Accident Injury Chiropractor from Neck Pain, Back Pain, Headache Relief Center today!

On your first visit to Neck Pain, Back Pain, Headache Relief Center we will discuss your medical history and listen to any of your concerns. During a thorough examination that may include joint and muscle testing, posture and gait analysis as well as low dose x-rays, you and the doctor will work towards finding a treatment that is right for you.

Your treatment plan will be based on the results of your initial examination. If our chiropractor believes that your situation is not a chiropractic one, he will then refer you to a clinician that can help treat you and your condition.

If it is determined that you could benefit from chiropractic treatment you will then be given a plan of treatment that consists of four phases: Relief, Corrective, Rehabilitation and Wellness.

Our Santa Rosa Chiropractor offers over 39 years of chiropractic experience, focusing on muscular skeletal conditions such as:

  • Herniated Discs
  • Carpal Tunnel
  • Headaches
  • Sports Injuries
  • Low Back and Neck Pain

Our Chiropractic office is also certified in the chiropractic treatment of animals and pets. Our office also gives chiropractic care to children where we experienced in Craniosacral therapy.

  Stop Suffering From Pain And Discomfort.