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Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Testimonials

*Testimonials presented apply only to the individuals depicted, cannot be guaranteed, and should not be considered typical.

Shortly before surgery was scheduled to relieve any symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome, a friend of mine suggested I try chiropractic care with Dr. Ridgeway. I had no idea that the pain, tingling and lack of sensation in my left hand and arm could be treated by a chiropractor, but I was thrilled to learn that surgery was not my only treatment option. I began regular care with Dr. Ridgeway. I experience relief of my symptoms within a few short weeks. As my treatment continued, it became clear that these changes were permanent and I would not need surgery! Dr. Ridgeway’s ongoing care has not only eliminated my need for carpal tunnel surgery I have increased range of motion in my neck, learned to walk and work with a healthier posture, recovered joint and muscle flexibility throughout my body and been relieved of discomfort caused by the initial signs of arthritis. Thank you Dr. Ridgeway, for your ongoing care and cure.

Santa Rosa Chiropractor
Heather S.

  Stop Suffering From Pain And Discomfort.