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How Santa Rosa Chiropractor Can Help Treat ADHD Treatments

Children suffering from ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) often have trouble with school and social lives. ADHD children can have a hard time concentrating on lessons and finishing homework. What we find easy, such as listening to someone in class or having a simple conversation, someone with ADHD can find a constant struggle. It may be difficult for them to have chats because they can overwhelmingly talk over you or interrupt...

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Tips for Patients with Anti-Depressants from Santa Rosa Chiropractor

When summer begins to say farewell, we start to notice how the days get shorter. The sun goes down earlier and without that extra vitamin D, you may be experiencing feelings of sadness, depression or anxiety. Try not to freak out with the loss of sunlight! There are many steps you can take in order to improve your current mood, including reducing depression and improving your mental health without the use of antidepressants...

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Visiting Chiropractor in Santa Rosa for Asthma Treatment

Asthma, according to some recent estimates, affects more than 300 million people worldwide and 22 million people in the United States. It does affect those of all ages and mostly begins in childhood...

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How Santa Rosa Chiropractor Treat and Diagnose Auto Accident Injuries

Auto accidents can be extremely stressful physically, mentally and emotionally. Especially in the Santa Rosa area because of the high population! Even if the accident was small and your vehicle only sustained minor damage, your body (most commonly the shoulders and neck) can still suffer debilitating pain. Chiropractic adjustments can be a go-to treatment for an injury sustained in an auto accident and Dr. Michael Ridgeway, DC located in Santa Rosa is skilled at treating auto accident injury victims...

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Santa Rosa Chiropractor Recommended Tips to Avoid Back Pain

Are you suffering from back pain? Chances are, you’re not alone. Most people will experience back pain in their lifetime. In fact, about 10% of American experience back pain at any given time. That’s 31 million people! Total, 80% of Americans experience back pain in their lifetime, adding up to 248 million people! What is little known, is that there are many ways to avoid it. At Santa Rosa Chiropractic located at Santa Rosa, we want to help prevent you from being one of the 47 million people who suffer from back pain every year...

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5 Ways You Can Benefit from Santa Rosa Chiropractic Care

There are many ways to benefit from visiting Dr. Michael Ridgeway, DC at Santa Rosa Chiropractic! You may hear many stories from friends and family members telling you how they have improved their lives through chiropractic care because chiropractic treatment is based on you as an individual. Here at Santa Rosa Chiropractic, we understand how each individual has a different life, causing them to function differently. We understand that different types of pain require different types of adjustments...

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Santa Rosa Chiropractor Answer the Common Auto Accidents Questions

Now let’s look at the reasons why. A typical car weighs approximately 4,000 pounds. To give you an example of this, an average refrigerator weighs approximately 250 pounds. Imagine getting hit with one of these! It sounds ridiculous but it helps sometimes to break down a problem to see the impact. One would be bad enough but multiply...

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Health Tips from Santa Rosa Chiropractic Office

Replace the coffee and doughnut breakfast for something healthier! Go for a walk after your meal instead of taking a nap! Nutrition and exercise are key to a healthy lifestyle and a long, happy, and joyful life! If you want more ideas to jumpstart your healthy living, keep reading...

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Santa Rosa Chiropractic Treatment for Colic

What is Colic? Colic is defined as the despaired crying of an infant for a minimum of three hours a day, at least three days a week for at least three weeks. These babies suffering from colic are known to produce loud piercing cries, flexed legs, balled fists, and stiff abdominal tissue. Research shows it can start at three weeks old in the child and can last up to six months. According to doctors, 10-20% of babies suffer from colic. How Does Chiropractic Care with Dr. Michael Ridgeway, DC Help?

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  Stop Suffering From Pain And Discomfort.